This joint initiative by MACC and MACP employers will include up to twelve weeks of
training at a community college at no cost to the student and professional job coaching
throughout training and into employment. Upon completion of the program, students
will have earned full-time job offers at MACP employers contingent on performance
throughout community college training and their on-the-job experience. The fall 2021
cohort will receive their training at either Bunker Hill or Roxbury Community College.
This opportunity is available at no cost to participants and stipends will be provided.
Individuals with a high school diploma/equivalency or higher are eligible and encouraged
to apply. For more information or to apply, visit
The 15 Massachusetts Community Colleges offer unique opportunities for the local communities
they are a part of. Each college provides open access to high quality and affordable
academic programs. The Massachusetts Community Colleges are Bunker Hill, Bristol,
Cape Cod, Berkshire, Greenfield, Holyoke, Massasoit, MassBay, Middlesex, Mount Wachusett,
North Shore, Northern Essex, Quinsigamond, Roxbury, and Springfield Technical.
The Massachusetts Competitive Partnership is a non-profit, non-partisan, 501(c)(4)
public policy group comprised of chief executive officers of some of the Commonwealth's
largest businesses. The Partnership's goals are to promote job growth and competitiveness
in the Commonwealth by working in collaboration with public officials and business
and civic leaders in Massachusetts.
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